Journalist, social communicator and media consultant, researcher and trainer on women and media, gender and ICT issues and policies. Dafne works in Buenos Aires, Argentina and is the co-founder and active member of PAR (Network of Argentinian Journalists with a Gender Perspective), Red Visión de Género (International Network of Journalists with a Gender Perspective), and the Gender and ICT Working Group for the LAC Information Society Plan, eLAC2015. Working in the development and adaptation of GEM since 2002, including field testing of the methodology in 7 projects in 5 LAC countries and in the process of adapting the methodology to telecentres work in 5 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. GEM trainer and tool developer.
Research and keep informed about gender and ICT issues. Read and listen to rock and jazz. Enjoy the company of family and friends.
Empowerment, creativity, learn to listen, community and movement building
I believe that working for women's digital inclusion also means working for gender justice and women's empowerment
“Community's response after using GEM in telecentre's work has challenged us to put gender in our organisations' agenda”
Social sciences and political analysis
I love baking cookies and cakes.
Enjoy your day and make the most of it!