“GEM gives us a way to redefine and monitor our impact and short term outcomes and change them as we face new objectives in order to achieve our larger proposal objectives. Gender development is a very broad topic - if you Google "gender development", you will find thousands of articles, but they don't necessarily give you a lens or scope through which to view it, but when you start designing your proposal with the GEM manual, and read it and look at gender empowerment, within GEM you will find that lens. It gives you a particular way of seeing gender issues. If you take the tools that you already have and combine with GEM, you get beautiful outcomes.”
– Papy Clement Nkubuzi, Congo
Past Clients
Examples of Projects

"I believe that evidence and participatory processes, or empowerment processes can contribute to more effective social development, and GEM is a way of doing that. And I know that technology is not gender neutral, so I need a way to help others in my job think about the gender dimensions of technology initiatives. . . . I think that evidence and knowledge processes are key to moving beyond where we are at now, which is unsatisfactory in terms of inequities and a lack of social justice. And I do think there is a role for evidence to play in that. . . . Anyone working on ict4d should use GEM as an analytical tool and a questioning process. . . . Because GEM is so situational and context specific, every organisation or project that uses it will bring a new understanding of gender and ICT issues, which can contribute to the field, and they are also going to bring a different understanding of what evidence needs to be collected, how it can be used . . ."
–Sarah Earl, Evaluation Unit, International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- Evaluation of a joint programme fund between IDRC and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU, (CTA)
Training and Capacity-building
- Introductory training session on Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) in Latin America and Africa for the partners of the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD), Netherlands
- Training on gender and ICT for Telecentre facilitators and coordinators in Spain for the Fundación Ciudadanía [Citizenship Foundation]
- Training to improve the research design and project implementation in the initiative Informatics for Rural Empowerment and Cambodian Healthy Communities for the Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia
- Integrated gender perspective in the training workshop on gendered Outcome Mapping for Openness and Quality for Asian Distance Education Programme of IDRC
- Built capacity of Global Knowledge Partnership grantees to sharpen their integration of gender in project planning, monitoring and evaluation
- Conducted training for Global Knowledge Partnership network

“Coming from the background of a women's organisation, I had assumed that GEM would just fit into everything we were doing because our work is about serving women, but for me GEM has been a steep learning curve because we are just beginning to really learn what it means to be gender sensitive and gender aware, even in a women's organisation. Coming from a developing nation like Nigeria where poverty has stricken over 70% and the bulk of these poor are women, gender evaluation becomes a critical tool that helps us see the various dimensions of poverty, going beyond just the economic - going to the health, to the cultural to the social dimensions.”
–John Dada, Fantsuam Foundation, Nigeria
Gender Planning
- Integrated a gender perspective in the Community-Driven Universal Access Policy for IDRC
- Conducted gender analysis of E-governance in the Philippines for CIDA